St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school

Investors In Pupils

Investors in Pupils Website

What is Investors in Pupils?

The Investors in Pupils programme aids the children in making targets for themselves and their class and thinking about how to achieve them. The children have also been learning about the school environment, the staff and how the budget is spent thanks to activities such as a successful role reversal day.

What impact has Investors in Pupils had on our school?

• Pupils know what is expected of them and why

• Pupils feel valued and committed to the life of the school.

• Pupils develop an understanding of their individual and group identity

  • Pupils have had more respect for resources as they understand everything has a cost
  • The pupils like targets more and understand why everyone needs them
  • Investors in Pupils has helped the school to identify examples of good practice and make them consistent across the school

Class Targets

All classes are participating in Investors in Pupils. Each class has target. Each time they achieve that target they get a point towards a reward. As you can see, this has led to some creative and exciting displays. Have a look at some of our classroom displays below!