St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school

SEND at Hugh Gaitskell Primary School 

Special Education Needs

We have a quality first teaching approach to meeting the needs of all our pupils at Hugh Gaitskell Primary School and this includes supporting pupils identified as having additional or Special Educational Needs or a disability.  Our priority focus is to ensure that all children have access to a good quality education that supports and facilitates our children not only to engage meaningfully in all lessons through our inclusive approach, but also ensures that they are happy in the progress they make and enjoy their time at school. We encourage an inclusive ethos where children feel empowered to celebrate neurodiversity and champion their individual strengths. 

There is a personalised and differentiated approach to accurately meeting the needs of our pupils and this can be seen through our ‘School Support’ individual provision approach, or through our targeted planning for children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).  There is a progressive approach to our Individual Provision Maps with 3 phases that identify strategies and approaches used at a quality first level, but also outline interventions if required.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and including both child and parent voice to support us in ensuring our children are happy, engaged in learning and participating in decisions to inform their future.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress or concerns about their learning needs, please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.  You can also discuss approaches to support and meet your child’s additional or Special Educational Need with Mrs Amanda Armstrong  (Lead Practitioner and SENDCo ) or Miss C Daniels (SENDCo.) 

At HGPS we support children across the four broad areas of SEND

  • Cognition and Learning 
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory disability

More details on these can  be found below. 


Further information can also be found in our School Information Report.


                           Overview of the SEND Team                           

 Mrs A Armstrong  - Lead Practitioner and SENDCo  


Miss C Daniels - SENDCo


Mrs V Brake - Assistant  to SENDCo



Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS)

New Parent Information from SENDIASS:

SENDIASS have a new offer for parents. The new website has lots of useful information and guides. The website continues to be updated so please keep checking for new information. The News and Events page gives dates and times of workshops (workshops dates are advertised on SENDIASS website news and events page), parents and carers need to email  / call the advice line to book on. The offer details have all the contact details.


Please see below links to Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Leeds Local Offer (LLO:-




Click here for the Leeds Local Offer.

Click here for our GDPR information


Free 4 week course for parents & carers at the Compton Centre Community Hub and Library

Parents’ Space: a free, informal course for local parents and carers at the Compton Centre Community Hub and Library, Harehills.

Starting Thursday 15th June 1-2:30PM for 4 weeks.

This is a free, informal course for parents and carers at the Compton Centre Community Hub, run in partnership with the Lifelong Learning Centre. Please see details below.



Did you know? 

If you have a child with a learning disability (lasting more than a year) you can apply for a MAX card via the Leeds carers website.

This gains you and your child discounted and sometimes free access to venues throughout the UK and Leeds for a fee of £3.00 and is part of the government local offer.