St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school

  1. News
  2. Parent Questionnaires- April 2017

Parent Questionnaires- April 2017

21 April 2017 (by admin)

At Hugh Gaitskell Primary School we value home/school communication and, as part of this partnership, we are interested in the opinions of our students, parents and carers.

Yesterday's Parents' Evening was a huge success. We received an enormous amount of individual comments about the school which were overwhelmingly positive! Thank you for taking the time to provide these comments. We will use the results of these questionnaires to reflect on current practice and during discussions for possible action and future developments, to further improve our school. Further details regarding parental feedback will be shared with parents/carers very soon.