St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school



Writing is an integral part of our curriculum. All children from Foundation Stage to Year 6 are provided with many opportunities to develop and apply their writing skills across the curriculum. It is our intention that pupils develop a clear understanding of the writing process in order to establish themselves as an author in their own right. Through our book-led curriculum, we foster pupils' interest in writing and offer a reason and context for writing which enables the children to write for purpose and audience. Pupils are taken on a writing journey which builds their knowledge of writing for context and purpose, allows the opportunities for the children to explore a variety of genres, planning, drafting and re-drafting their writing. In order to establish this, pupils will develop their knowledge of genre features, audience, language and effective composition. It is our intention to broaden our pupils' exposure to high level vocabulary to allow pupils to apply their understanding of vocabulary and grammatical features within and across the English curriculum. 

We intend that pupils learn how to understand the relationships between words, word meaning, implied meaning and figurative language within writing lessons, whilst ensuring that children are supported in their spelling strategies. We intend that pupils will be taught to control their speaking and writing consciously and to use correct Standard English.



  • All children write daily. 
  • School plans writing linked to quality reading texts. Opportunities for children to apply their writing are planned and links to the wider curriculum are made when doing this.   
  • Writing is assessed at key times every half term, this involves a ‘Big write’ and a ‘Writing Assessment’ when key skills can be applied in a meaningful way and next steps identified by the teacher and also through self and peer assessment. We assess using Writing assessment grids.  
  • Each year group has targets to try to apply in all writing in English and across the curriculum. These skills are taken from each year group’s Age Related Expectations for writing.  
  • Spelling sessions teach key spelling rules and patterns to encourage exploration and effective strategies for learning, remembering, understanding and applying skills.

Writing Assessment Frameworks

Writing Assessment Frameworks have been created to help teachers assess and track children's learning. Once an independent piece of writing is done, at different intervals during the school year, teachers use the frameworks to help them to assess the children's  work and then set new individual targets. Children refer to these targets and are able to explain what they need to do to progress and improve their writing.

Click on the links below to download a copy of each year groups Writing Assessment Framework.

Year 1 Writing Assessment Framework

Year 2 Writing Assessment Framework

Year 3 Writing Assessment Framework

Year 4 Writing Assessment Framework

Year 5 Writing Assessment Framework

Year 6 Writing Assessment Framework