St Anthony's Drive, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS11 8AB

0113 2716 963

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

One world, one school



At Hugh Gaitskell Primary School we strive hard to:

  • Develop fluency so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Develop reasoning skills so that children can identify patterns and relationships.
  • Ensure that children have the mathematical vocabulary required to be able to develop an argument and so that they can justify and prove their ideas.
  • Develop problem solving so that children can identify what problems are asking and break these down into manageable steps.
  • Nurture a love for maths.


  • Same Day Intervention adopted and used throughout the school to ensure that no child is left behind.  Prompt intervention allows all children to achieve success.
  • Lessons are differentiated to ensure the needs of SEND and more able children are met.
  • Practical maths equipment available in all classrooms to support children in the CPA approach (Concrete>Abstract>Pictorial).  Equipment displayed in classrooms so that children can self-select and become more self-sufficient.
  • White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning currently followed so that there is clear progression across each year group and learning is built upon, year by year
  • Fluency and Problem Solving or Reasoning takes place in every lesson.
  • Talk Matters strategies applied to the teaching of maths vocabulary.  Maths displays show key vocabulary and vocabulary is displayed on A frames.
  • Weekly arithmetic tests to develop children’s fluency skills.
  • TT Rockstars is used to develop children’s fluency in times tables and related facts.
  • Attendance at maths events such as the Greater Depth Day at Lane End and the Gifted and Talented Event at The Grammar School at Leeds allow the subject leader to share best practice on how to challenge children working at greater depth.


  • All children leave primary school with the necessary skills to take them on to further education.
  • Children enjoy their maths lessons and talk positively about what they are learning.
  • Children talk confidently about maths using appropriate mathematical vocabulary and by justifying and explaining their reasoning.
  • Children are able to demonstrate their understanding of a range of mathematical concepts in a variety of ways, using concrete apparatus,  diagrams and visual representations and also by using more abstract methods.
  • Children of all abilities have a growth mindset towards maths, engagement in maths lessons has increased, evidenced by observations and pupil voice.
  • Children make excellent progress from their often low starting points despite the many barriers they face.
  • Children demonstrate their resilience in problem solving and reasoning and are able to work independently and collaboratively to reach a solution.
  • Engagement with TT Rockstars increases so that a larger percentage of children are active players, leading to children being more fluent in recall of their times tables and related facts.
  • Children working at greater depth are appropriately challenged and continue to make good progress.